What squad goals: Greg Lee, Sandy Rosenbush, David Squires, and Michael Wilbon. It was so humbling to be in a conversation at one time with four prominent professionals in sports media. When I heard Micheal Wilbon was talking to our class, I was immediately taken back. I was honored he was taking the time out of his busy schedule to talk with young journalists who are trying to jump in this business. Wilbon shared amazing stories and advice with my classmates and me. The piece of advice from Wilbon that cemented in my head is to be nice to everyone, no matter the employment status. The impression you leave with people will carry you a long way. The key to getting to know people is to introduce yourself, not necessarily to the star athlete or coach first. Get to know the assistants, the assistant to the assistant and so forth. The “stars” will recognize your efforts. Wilbon also mentioned that you never know who is watching you and paying attention to your work. In the world we live in today, you can find anything you need to know about a person at your fingertips, this includes any published work. Wilbon said that “your work and your voice will distinguish you.” Control what you can control and the mark you leave on others.